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Our Diversity Services

Diversity and Inclusion is at the heart of everything we do

Creating, encouraging and supporting diversity is exceptionally important to us as a company. Our leadership team works hard to ensure that our culture remains inclusive to everyone that we deal with – our people, our partners and our candidates. We are committed to celebrating diversity and inclusion via action. We provide our employees and candidates with equal opportunities for employment and career and personal development on the basis of ability, qualifications and suitability for the job.

We understand that people from different backgrounds bring fresh ideas, thinking and approaches which result in an increase in innovation and creativity. For us, successful diversity and inclusion is about creating a culture of acceptance, respect, and teamwork in the workplace.

Our Values




We constantly challenge ourselves to find creative solutions to improve diversity within the technology market.




One team working in partnership with our clients to build a diverse and inclusive culture in their organisations.




We remove barriers to help our clients to find diverse, high impact talent.

How we can help with your diversity challenge

What you may be experiencing:

  • Difficulties in finding diverse talent.
  • Barriers to ethnic minorities.
  • Gender gap in leadership teams.
  • A desire to create a diverse culture.

What we can do:

  • Our consultants are trained to create inclusive job adverts aimed at attracting the broadest range of talent.
  • We continually ensure we are using cutting edge software and technology to connect with the most diverse talent pools globally.
  • Our talent partners ensure the provision of entirely inclusive interview processes with candidates.
  • We utilise a range of psychometric assessment tools that provide additional/insightful data points on candidates beyond their CV or an interview.
  • We are committed to eliminating unconscious bias throughout the entire recruitment process. We understand the importance of all stages being the same for all candidates and of being aware of our natural biases. We promote the use of anonymised CVs and conduct hiring manager training to minimise the risk of unconscious bias hampering diversity efforts at any stage.
  • We partner with a variety of Women in Tech associations.
  • We attend career days during which we encourage young people from diverse backgrounds to join the industry.

The impact:

  • Employees feel more comfortable, accepted and valued in a company with greater diversity.
  • Lower employee turnover.
  • Gender gap is narrowed.
  • Increased productivity and creativity from diverse new talent.
  • Stronger leadership team.

Our Diverse Recruitment Process

At NP Group we have worked hard to identify unique and innovative approaches to recruitment that result in greater success in attracting, hiring and retaining previously untapped, diverse talent.

  • Employability

    Designed to increase the attraction, recruitment and retention of individuals with a disability, our three-part approach includes:

    1) Internal auditing

    2) Practical developments

    3) Exploring existing working environments and cultures

  • Career Days

    We’re dedicated to increasing the employability of candidates from all backgrounds. Our purpose at career days is to provide young talent with the skills needed to increase their chances of submitting a successful application.

  • Hiring Processes

    During the hiring process, it is imperative that objective, evidence-based, inclusive decisions are made. We run workshops to ensure this happens with every new hire, maximising the diversity of your hiring pool and the quality of your hiring.

  • Female Leadership

    Many businesses are aware that they lack female representation at leadership level. At NP Group, we focus on identifying highly qualified female leaders internally that can bring expertise and diversity at board level.

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Get in Touch

Our executive search consultants are ready to secure the talent you need faster, more effectively and seamlessly than anyone else. Alternatively have an open discussion with us as listening is one of our strengths.

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